Duino Coin Faucet - AMOGUS
Nickname | Sum amount |
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Rig name | Accepted shares |
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News list
New captcha idea
For prevent feeding hcaptcha algorithms i created own faster and better for user experience captcha!
Captcha has always 5 alphanumeric characters and it should be easy for solve. It's should not vulnerable for primitive bots and automated algorithms for break it. Enjoy the faucet!
More duco per use
Shot - 5 duco is now usable once per day (by date gmt+1).
I raised up faucet to max 2.0 DUCO recieve per normal usage and raised cs faucet too.
Tests rewards in json now return 5000 average usages per refresh! It's helpful for check what faucet type you should use for best reward.
Upgrade PHP version
Faucet is now running in newest version PHP 8.3!! sussy, this should guarantee better performance.
If you see bug on this faucet, let me this on discord, i be very grateful.
Such big thanks AlmarRadio for big donate!
I raised up faucet to max 1.0 DUCO recieve per normal usage and raised cs faucet too.
Sus mining shares donors
The list of the most supportive miners has been added! The list counts the mine shares for each miner. An additional top list has also been added - Top Amogus Duco Miners. Sussy baka
Thanks for big donate from coincrabby user
Thank you great faucet donation. As a thank you to this user, I've created a single-use option for everyone, it's called "Give me a strong shot - 5 duco"
No more error transactions
Now if you get error transaction, you will get your duco later. I maked mechanism for checking error transactions and making retry (for three times) your claim. All error claims starting from date 2022-02-25, will be tried again.
Staked ducos
If you can see, amogus account have now much smaller duco amount than before, but don't worry i just staked about 100k ducos. I will be staking regullary because this is can support faucet for longer time.
Putin is impostor
No matter what they say, Russia just attacked Ukraine. It is worth helping them in this unequal fight by sending a money or buying a game on steam (this war of mine). For a more traffic on the faucet, i doubled the duino paid again. Thanks for all donors.
Added test faucet claim amount
Now you can test faucet with 1000 simulated duco claim requests. There are simulate for 1000 requests in a json response. This show you how much you can get min, max and average, for typically 1000 claims.
Thanks Yanis for big donate
Yanis donated this faucet much amount of duco (100k! at one transaction, and some more in smaller (but still big) transactions), so i decided doubled the amount what give this faucet.
Added new claim type
This faucet have now two type of duco claims. Default - with better price list, and more dangerous, like cs go open cases, where you can get definietly higher/lower range duco claims.
Amogus, sus list received duino coins
Nickname | TxID | amount | type | When |
Amogus, TOP SUS!!!!
Nickname | Totally Duco claimed | Number of uses faucet | Last faucet use |
Donors this Faucet
Nickname | DUCO amount | Memo | Date |
All latest shares by supporters from mining. Per date of started mining
Should update every 1 minuteNickname (rig name) | Shares | Date |